No matter your interest or location, there’s a club for you.
Our garden clubs strive to create beauty and promote education endeavors for gardeners in our community. We invite you to join one of our clubs to explore the benefits of belonging to a garden club.
Clubs, Societies, and Guilds
Boulder City Garden Club
Meets: 1st Wednesdays at 6:00 pm, September through May
Contact: Allen Duke, allen.duke@cox.net
We are a general interest garden club meeting at the Boulder City Library or by Zoom. See our Facebook page for information and how to get a link for our Zoom meetings. We have several community service projects and always seek to educate ourselves and the public in growing plants in our desert climate. (FYI: In January we meet the 2nd Wednesday.)
Desert Gardeners
Meets: 1st Thursdays at 9:30 am, September through June
Contact: Mary Castro, richardson_50_28@hotmail.com
Desert Gardeners is interested in all types of indoor and outdoor plants and growing them in our challenging desert climate. Our goal is to help Southern Nevadans to become successful desert gardeners. Join us!
Glitter Gulch African Violet Growers
Meets: 3rd Saturdays at 9:00 am, year round
Email: Joyce Stork, ggavg@gmail.com
Discover the joy of growing blooming African violets inside your home here in the desert. We’d love to share our experience and knowledge with you! Find us on Facebook or Instagram.
Las Vegas Bonsai Society
Meets: 2nd Wednesdays at 6:30 pm, year round (except December)
Contact: Naomi Honda, lasvegasbonsaisociety@gmail.com
Bonsai (bone-sigh) is the art of creating the illusion of a tree or landscape in miniature. Bonsai is a Japanese word meaning “tree in a pot.” Water management, tree location and protection, repotting, root pruning and shaping skills can be learning by contacting us.
Las Vegas Flower Arrangers' Guild
Meets: 2nd Thursdays at 9:30 am, September through May
Contact: Judy Stebbins, judystebbins@earthlink.net
The focus of the Flower Arrangers’ Guild is on learning more about creative flower arranging to enhance our homes. Let your imagination blossom. Enter your flower arrangement in our NGCI twice-yearly flower shows.
Las Vegas Iris Society
Meets: 1st Mondays at 6:00 pm, September through May. If Monday is a holiday, the meeting will be held on Tuesday of that same week.
Contact: Karen Hudson , greenthumblv@aol.com
If you are taken by the beauty of the Iris flower you need to be a member of the Las Vegas Iris Society. We have eight fun meetings a year with super guest speakers. Our flower show in April is the highlight of our year.
Las Vegas Valley Rose Society
Meets: 2nd Thursdays at 2:00 pm, September through June
Contact: Lyn Vinson, lyn.vinson@yahoo.com
The Las Vegas Valley Rose Society is also affiliated with the American Rose Society. Our objective is to bring awareness and promote more rose growing in our community. We welcome anyone who is interested in learning how to grow, care, arrange, and exhibit roses.
Rose Garden Club
Meets: 3rd Thursdays at 11:00 am, September through May
Contact: Kristie Livreri, kristielivreri@gmail.com
We are a general horticulture, educational, and artistic design club. The Touch and Smell Garden for the Blind located in the Garden of the Pioneer Woman is a continuing project for our club. Contact us to join.
South Valley Rose Society
Meets: 4th Thursdays at 2:00 pm, September through May
Contact: Judith Kafantaris, judithkafantaris065@gmail.com
The South Valley Rose Society is dedicated to educating and promoting the growing of beautiful roses in the Southwest desert. Our objective is to share ideas and knowledge about growing roses in the desert climate.
Meets: 4th Tuesdays at 1:30 pm, September through May
Contact: Lori Henrickson, fourcoolchicks@cox.net
Our interests are general horticulture and artistic design. We will be studying the Las Vegas Valley Gardening Book and following the theme of sowing seeds. Come join our club!
Sunset Garden Club
Meets: 2nd Tuesdays at 12 Noon, September through May
Contact: Dahl Capello, capello526@gmail.com
The purpose of our club is to educate, create, and stimulate interest in all phases of horticulture and artistic design. We also aid in the protection and conservation of natural resources and encourage civic beauty. For meeting location, contact Vicki Allen.

Membership in a Nevada Garden Club automatically provides the gardener with membership in National Garden Clubs, Inc. (gardenclub.org) and Pacific Region Garden Clubs, Inc., (pacificregiongardenclubs.org) not-for-profit educational organizations. It is okay to join more than one garden club, if you so choose. Whether you are a beginner or a “pro”, joining a garden club can be one of the most rewarding things you do. Meet people with similar interests, share your creativity, and gain ideas on how to make you home and garden more beautiful. We’ll be so happy to have you.