About Us
Organized in 1963, The Nevada Garden Clubs, Inc., is an association of garden clubs in Nevada and a member of the National Garden Clubs and Pacific Region Garden Clubs.
President - Karen Elliott
First Vice President - Muriel Scrivner
Second Vice President - Larri Tarver
Treasurer - Art Loesch
Corresponding Secretary - Lynette Vinson
Recording Secretary - Victoria Yuen
Parliamentarian - Dorlene Waite Freeman
Former President - Marcia Brown
The Nevada Garden Club is an association of garden clubs in Nevada. Our Mission is to educate ourselves and the public in various activities from flower arranging to grow plants indoors and out, educating today’s youth in gardening plants and vegetables, or arranging plants that we grow ourselves or buy at a market. (See our Member Clubs for a list.)
As remembered by Founding Member Linnea Miller Domz
The Rose Garden Club was organized around 1945, by Adeline Bartlett. Linnea was a member of that club. She found a National Gardener Magazine on vacation one year, and was intrigued by the idea that there was more to gardening than just the Rose Garden Club. She saw that there was a Flower Show School being held in Tucson, AZ so she and Cecelia “Hobby” St. Denis attended. They came back quite enthused about “federating” with National, which finally happened in 1963, with ten clubs in Reno, Fallon, Ely, Caliente, Pioche and Las Vegas.
The Nevada Garden Club has long met in Lorenzi Park, but originally the meetings were in a small building by the lake (currently used for after-school activities for handicapped youth). The present building was erected in 1970.
As told by Past-President Kristie Livreri